
HomerHEVC is a real time, multiplatform, H.265-HEVC compliant video encoder, created by TGV5’s  video experts.

HomerHEVC is one of the most popular H.265-HEVC encoder worldwide with thousands of downloads since being published.

HomerHEVC is written in C including several abstractions for easy portability to different hardware platforms and Operative Systems:

  • Operative System abstractions: for multitasking and synchronization instructions to ease OS migration.
  • Low level abstractions: for vectorial instruction optimizations to allow performance migration to different platforms like ARMs or DSPs.
  • No recursive calls: unlike most (or all…) HEVC encoders, HomerHEVC has no recursive calls, to facilitating performance migration to massive parallel languages like OpenCL and CUDA for massive parallelism, and platforms like GPGPUs or many-cores processors.

Extended information about the development can be found in http://www.homerhevc.com


TGV5 offers HomerHEVC in a dual licensing model that includes an open-souce and a commercial license.

Open-Source License

The open-source code is licensed under the LGPLv2 license, allowing free use for non-commercial purposes and for commercial purposes with some restrictions like the obligation to use dynamic linking and make public all your changes to the code.

Download the open-source version of HomerHEVC at: http://homerhevc.com/downloads/

Commercial License

TGV5 offers a commercial license covering two different issues:

  • Companies that need access to extended features like High Level Profiles or higher optimizations.
  • Companies that need to get rid of the LGPLv2 restrictions for any matter. This includes companies that want to customize HomerHEVC without making their changes public, creating their own added-value version.

Depending on the usage, commercial licenses can be:

  • Professional license: for low volume and high added value applications.
  • Application license: for high volume applications.
  • Cloud and server license: for backend applications that can give service to several users.

Depending on customer needs, we offer two types of licenses:

  • Common license: Gives access to the source code of the professional license of HomerHEVC and allows the customer to modify the code with the restriction of submitting the changes to TGV5.
  • Development license: Gives access access to the source code of the professional license of HomerHEVC and allows the customer to create its own HEVC encoder without the need to submit changes to TGV5.


For more information regarding licensing and pricing please write to sales@tgv5.com